On a hot an sticky August Friday evening the Crusaders assembled with a singular goal in mind. To enjoy the scenery of a casual little jaunt around Tokyo Bay. To attempt to drink enough beer to make a beer tower from the table to the ceiling in under 2 hours on the annual season kick off booze cruise. Around 2 hours and 130 beers later we had failed by we certainly had a good time trying.
A special shout out to Travis who wandered off and returned back with about 20 Kebabs to allow us to plough on in our quest!
This is a ship that can hold 2000 people has several decks and the most any of us have ever explored in the 6 years that the booze cruise has been going on is the 20 metre radius around the bar on the main deck.
All in all it did exactly what is said on the cover, it was a cruise and it involved a lot of booze.
Until next year!