(Japanese Statement Below)
In line with the widespread cancellation and postponement of rugby fixtures across Japan, including our own coveted Tokyo Cup which was due to be held this coming Spring, Tokyo Crusaders RFC has made the decision to cancel all remaining fixtures for the foreseeable future due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
This is, of course, a disappointing state of affairs given the huge success of the Rugby World Cup earlier in the season and the fact that we had just won our League’s first division. However, player and supporter welfare, plus helping the containment of the virus is of the utmost importance right now.
Our thoughts go out to all of the unfortunate people who are currently suffering in all corners of the globe. We would also like to express our admiration for the extraordinary work being done by health workers under dangerous and very difficult circumstances. Rest assured, the Cru will be back with a full line-up of fixtures, tours, and events as soon as it is safe to do so.
In the meantime, be safe out there people, and remember, any more than 2 sheets of toilet paper is a waste!
Tom Cocks – Club President, Tokyo Crusaders RFC
東京クルセダーズ RFC – 代表 トム コックス