by Brendan Gallagher
It was another beautiful fall day in Tokyo and an exceptional ground laid ready in Tatsumi for another Cru battle. Unfortunately, our opponents were unable to field a proper 15man side so our former captain Travis and a few associates including Evan, Kenta, and Reece volunteered to support our rivals and donned opposing jerseys.
The game started out in unusual fashion with the Cru winning a kickoff and controlling the ball handedly for a few phases, before quick ball out wide to our backs resulted in an early try. After a few splendid defensive efforts from a united Cru front, turnovers and hard running from Jon and Andrew broke the Jack’s line and the tries started to pile on. The forwards had their day in glory as 4 different piggies were able to breach the try line including Jon, Andrew, Brendan and Eric. Not to be outdone, the backs had their fair share of try-zone real estate as Sebastian, Atsu, Lucas and Tomo all added to the rout. Tomo was an exceptional highlight in the 2nd half, as the young scrum half was making his Cru debut and proved more than apt for the challenge. Kasha and Teddy each made their debuts as well and displayed exemplary efforts and strong Cru behavior, particularly in the aftermath in Tsukishima.
The final result was 52-15 in favor of the Cru and once again it was an excellent turnout and display of rugby for the Cru against a short-staffed opponent, but nonetheless proved to be a quintessential demonstration of Cru sportsmanship, sound technique, selfless rugby, and selfish beer drinking and karaage eating in the after-match.
Well done.
A few points of mention:
* MVP Points =Andrew (5), Seth(4), Atsu and Lucas (2 each) and Reece (1)
*Try scorers were Jon, Andrew, Brendan, Eric, Sebastian Atsu, Lucas and Tomo. Neil and Andrew did the conversions.
* John Gorman played his first back after a three year hiatus(he’s been in Singapore and had come back to Tokyo recently)
*Their MVP was their #10 Yuki Nakagawa; ours was Andrew Coday.