Sexy Crusaders,
Yesterday concluded our time on the pitch for 2018, and a very enjoyable conclusion it was. 16 people turned up to play and support the 5 Crusaders who represented the club in the Shuto Representative Team. The seniors team and A-team both won their matches with the lead changing hands several times, while the B-team lost narrowly. All three games were good, quality rugby and fun to watch. The stands were quite boisterous in support of the Shuto Rep team, and more so as the day went on, thanks to Corey and Hobbs’ delivery of 96 Yeungling beers in a Yeti cooler. The aftermatch function was well attended by many of the members, a few of whom went on to the third event with the league committee members. Thank you to everyone who came down to make the day so enjoyable, to Crystal for driving to McDonald’s to pick up the burgers and to Hobbs for going all the way to Atsugi to pick up the requested Yeunglings. And thanks to Tooley for entertaining us once again with the increasingly (in)famous “banana haka”.
Next up is a social event – pub quiz night on Saturday. We really need to get more numbers to this to keep the sponsor happy, so please update your availability on TeamSnap and get as many of your friends down as possible. Details are on TeamSnap and Frank will be sending out reminders in the meantime.
Old People Game with Sean Gibson.
42-34 W!
B Team with Brett Pentland-Smith, Aaron Angelo, and Matthew Sparrow.
14-17 L :(
A Team with Yuki Adachi and Robin Tapuvae.
38-29 W!
This email was copied from Gibbo due to him already summarizing this event, and I’m really lazy this week.
– Corey