by Aaron Angelo
The day started off just like any other. Sean sent out a map, people ignored it and got lost, others ran late due to the extraction of other semi-inebriated members, while some were sensible human beings and arrived at Rokugodote Station on time. However, the day took a turn when Travis arrived and announced he’d be running the day’s training in conjunction with Sparrow. After a brief warmup and explanation, the lads started with some hands drills. After some pretty good results, the Cru got underway with some strategic touch rugby. Though one side seemed be struggling with ball retention, everyone exhibited signs of brilliance as the section came to an end with friendly competition. The next phase began soon after; Walking Rugby. The rules were simple enough in that we were playing full contact but at walking speed, however the complete and utter destruction that followed was another story. Travis, in true form, made it his mission to annihilate, decimate, and violate every single ruck like clockwork. In conjunction with this Corey managed to become the practice team hero, scoring a hat trick with ruthless efficiency while somehow keeping the front of his jersey nice and clean. With instructor turned referee Sparrow laughing uncontrollably, the final phase of training was initiated; The infamous “Kick the ball to Corey” game! First up was Sparrow, who landed a nice high ball on Corey’s face. Following with the shake of a fist and reboot, Sean put a decent punt into Corey’s basket to see it hit the dust. With the score 2-0 to everyone else, Aaron stepped up to deliver what was supposed to be the killing blow. After a solid kick straight into the air reminiscent of Rugby League, Corey managed to reorient and redeem himself to (barely) land the catch. With a brief victory lap completed, the Cru set off for the bar to start drinking.
The boozery started promptly, with Corey and Aaron being forced to chug in light of their despondent failures during the final phase of training. After establishing that and Aaron looking utterly smashing in his fancy new Cru blazer, the conversation shifted to the conventional fare for around an hour. At this point though, one of the Cru decided the evening would not be complete unless we fraternized with the locals. He set out bravely, and somehow managed to convince a few folks to join our already inebriated table. After another hour of camaraderie, arm wrestling, conspiracy theories, and remarks about how we were sitting on paint cans, everyone went their separate ways. The shenanigans that followed are as vague as they are entertaining. One member proceeded to continue drinking elsewhere, losing the kit bag and first-aid bag while bagging some victories of his own. Another attempted to leap a fence, left a quarter of his facial flesh on an escalator somewhere in Kawasaki while vomiting, and had to be escorted back to the station. Lastly, another made a phone call that he much regretted the next morning. To quote a witness of said events, “That’s just the stuff we do remember”.
All in all, the event was a success in that it brought everyone together for some fun both on and off the field. With some memories made (and lost) that will last a lifetime, it was surely a night that will be spoken of in the Cru archives for years to come. Lastly, it was a chance to thank a special Cru member for what they have done and will do no matter where they go. In summation, Corey thank you for everything you’ve done here with the Crusaders. Your enthusiasm has been contagious, your rugby relentless, and your packaging puns hilarious. We love you and will miss you as you begin your new phase of life!
Thats all folks!